Chris Liebing – AM/FM 291 – The Basement

Chris Liebing – AM/FM 291

Play episode
Chris Liebing
Hosted by
Chris Liebingüdost-berlin-24092020-part-12/

In the past months we have been digging in the past with those AMFM sets, this week´s set is taking us back to the present and it is the first hour of my set for @radioslave ´s @rekids open air label party on the 24th of September 2020, which was really the last day of summer (what a timing), at @griessmuehle ’s Revier Süd Ost pop up location.

It was a perfectly safe and obviously legal event with such an amazing crowd. Everyone was wearing masks, yes, mostly black as well (pun intended) and was super respectful towards the hygiene rules. The energy was incredible. Matt (Radio Slave) invited me to play the last two hours, right after him (thanks so much for that Matt) and it was the most intense set I have played this year (admitted, that wasn’t hard really.. but under those circumstances, also pretty incredible). For me personally I can say that this was really, really needed… To have such an experience again DJing .. I almost forgot how amazing it is to have this kind of connection with a crowd and feeling the flow of events during a night. Additionally, we were so lucky with the weather. Crazy. 

Thank you all for that. All of you who were there, also especially the promoters who put up such a fantastic event (Martin, Matt…)

I think it is so important to keep having legal and safe events going forward. The industry needs it, the people need it and yes… also I need it 🙂

Stay safe everyone!üdost-berlin-24092020-part-12/
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